Accelerate Innovation
The capacity to innovate is essential for growth and sometimes for survival, the oft used expression “Innovate or Die” is barely an overstatement! Given the importance of innovation it is not surprising that there are estimated to be over 250,000 books on the topic and an innumerable range of training courses available globally. Yet despite the prominence and activity, 57% of respondents in a recent survey state that they are either ‘concerned’ or ‘significantly concerned’ that innovation at their company is insufficient to enable them to achieve their 5-year growth target.
Generating value from investment in innovation is hard. There is no easy short-cut; it is insufficient to run a series of Design Thinking training workshops, establish some incentive and recognition schemes and send out some messages from the CEO or the CEO appointed Chief Innovation Officer. The past 30 years of failures to consistently gain value from innovation investments also demonstrate that it is often value-destroying in the medium term to carve-out or ring-fence a specialist Innovation Centre and team. Generating significant value from innovation requires equal attention to three aspects
- Innovation as part of the main Strategy of the organisation.
- Investment in Innovation Capacity through-out the organisation.
- Disciplined attention to and management of Innovation processes and productivity.
In partnership with IXL-Center Inc. we have been providing Innovation Acceleration support to companies, universities and government institutions since 2009 and we are founding members of the Global Innovation Management Institute.
Our unique facilitative approach delivers 200% value for our clients:
Accelerating Outcomes AND Enhancing Capabilities
Accelerating Outcomes AND Enhancing Capabilities