It's Free, Fast and Painless: Build Awareness and Energy for Action
Complete the On-line Assessment and immediately receive insights for action at your organization
We encourage you to complete this on-line Assessment. Through carefully considering your answers to the questions you will develop a greater awareness of the ability of your corporation to prepare to win in the unfolding, uncertain future whilst also pursing performance results today. The questions explore each aspect of your firm and the contexts that you are competing in that are relevant to Dynamic Advantage. At the end of the assessment you will be sent an e-mail that reflects insights from analysis of the answers that you have provided about your firm during the assessment and comparisons with the data collected from the entire population of firms that have participated in the survey and research. Completing the self-assessment requires approximately 20-30 minutes. We have found that a very constructive approach is when several members of the senior leadership team individually complete the assessment and then compare and discuss the insights that they each receive in the e-mail reports.
- Press the button below to access the On-line Assessment and start to discover how you can increase the Dynamic Advantage at your firm.
- When you have completed the assessment (you will see the Acknowledgement message) you may press the back-button on your browser to return to this page.