EUREKA: Innovation Catalyst
Teams of your staff, (typically each team consists of five people) are guided to address the most pressing growth challenges facing your organisation over an 8-week process. They follow the 5-step EUREKA process, supported by our expert facilitators and leveraging the unique EUREKA online collaboration platform.
The outputs are:
The outputs are:
- 5 unique new business propositions ready to be rapidly developed further.
- 25 early-stage business concepts, with 100+ related Idea-Fragments
- Certification to Level-2 by Global Innovation Management (GIM) Institute
- Improved visibility of high-potential talent within the organisation.
- High engagement / motivation from participating staff.
Our unique facilitative approach delivers 200% value for our clients:
Accelerating Outcomes AND Enhancing Capabilities
Accelerating Outcomes AND Enhancing Capabilities